Christian leadership resides in the person more than in the process. Ultimately, Christ was a leader not because of what he did, but because of who he was. People such as Moses, David, and Paul led because of their relationship with God, not because they were expert managers. Once, we are the kind of people God wants us to be, He will uphold us as leaders.
Christian leadership is thus a matter of personal spiritual maturity and growth.
A sheep will follow the shepherd not so much because it knows where the green pastures are, but because it trusts him and recognize his voice. John Maxwell propounded that “…. Trust is the foundation of every lasting leadership.”
Mastery of managerial skills enhances a leader’s success but it is no substitute for spiritual maturity. Christians are attracted to spiritually mature people and responsive to their influence. This further buttresses Jesus’ expression of the salt and light metaphor in Matt 5:13–14.
Those whom God calls into leadership; He first calls to spiritual maturity.
Leadership works more through influence (role modeling) than power (formal authority). People follow them because they want to, not because they have to. Therefore, leadership is never tied to position or formal authority- it is not job specific. Since Christ’s model of leadership is based on sacrificial service to others, Christian leaders are expected to serve rather than to be served; (Mark 9:33–35). This requires that we subordinate our own needs and attend to the needs of others, thereby following Christ’s example. Such selfless devotion and commitment by the leader produce the same selfless surrender of the people to the leader’s authority. Such leaders are able to produce themselves in others because of their spiritual blessings. Those who serve the most, have the most.
Leaders have a vision for transforming and renewing people through ministry. Their desire is to change the world by changing people and they have both the zeal and patience to usher change into existence.
The transforming quality of Christian leadership resides in the leader’s commitment to making disciples of members of the ministry team through prayer, Bible study, and being yoked together in serving capacities. The more team members grow spiritually, the more they can be transformed by the Holy Spirit.
It is pertinent to note that leadership in the Bible is portrayed as shepherding. Like shepherds, Christian leaders must guard the flock, provide direction, overcome obstacles, protect the welfare of the body, and maintain unity. In short, Christian leaders must care for the need of the body. The nature of the task is the primary reason for the dire need of the Helper, even the Spirit of Truth.
Shepherds have to be gentle, patient, and caring towards the flock, but also willing to shear the recalcitrant ewe, dispossessed diseases lambs from their mothers, and separate butting rams. There is both a soft side and a hard side to the job. So, it is with ministry leadership. Team members must be encouraged, rewarded, and extended second chances, but they must also be challenged, stretched, and occasionally admonished.